Learn How to Cook Delicious Steamed Pompano Fish

Pompano fish is labeled as the world’s most edible fish for a good reason. The fish is rich in omega 33 and taste scrumptious.

The fish is easy to eat whole even without scaling. This flat-bodied, pan size fish has finely flaked yet firm meat. The fish taste great with sweet, mild, succulent flavor.

Now if your mouth is watering and you feel like cooking one then let us guide you to get a fresh pompano fish which is healthly and contamination free and can be a perfect health fish to be your dinner tonight.

Here, we are sharing with you a secret recipe to cook delicious Pompano Fish: 

Steamed fish: 

Not every fish is preferably suitable for steam cooking but the Pompano Fish are just perfectly meant to steam. The pompano fishes are rich in oil content. The oil let the fish stay moist and taste delicious even with simple steaming.

So, let’s began with the pompano fish: 
  • Ingredients you will need to cook steamed fish are: 
  • 800 to 1000grams of Pompano 
  • 4 tablespoon of ginger paste 
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil 
  • I table spoon of garlic  
  • Finely chopped cilantro  

  • Clean the fish through gutting and take off the fine fish scales by scraping. 
  • Take off the non-edible part like tail and fins. 
  • Make a deep cut in the fish body to fill the other elements 
  • Make a blend of ginger paste, olive oil, and soy sauce. Mix it well pour it over the fish and inside the made cut.  
  • Steam the fish for nearly 30 to 40 minute depending upon its size and thickness. 
  • Once the fish get firm removes it from the steamer and pours the leftover sauce over it. 
  • Sprinkle the toasted garlic and finally chopped cilantro leaves on the fish.  
  • Your steamed fish is ready to serve. 

Additional tips: 
  • Make sure to buy the fresh fish from the wet market to get the complete taste. 
  • Purchase the pompano fish from the online store which serves GMO free fish and tested for toxic elements. 

Additionality assured that the harvested fish is cultured in a suitable atmosphere.
To order fresh Pompano fish from the one of most reliable online store visit Dyer Aqua LLC.


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