6 amazing health benefits of consuming fish that you need to know now

Scientifically, fish has been ranked as one of the healthiest food on our planet. It comes loaded with a high value of omega-fatty acids, which work phenomenally great for both brain and body development. Being high on protein and vitamin D further consolidates its position in the category of super foods. Wholesale fish market in Florida is abuzz with the quality harvest. Now you can buy your favorite pompano fish online. Each piece is delivered fresh from the farm pens to your doorstep, that too within 48 hours of harvest. To buy, visit www.freshpompano.com now. Here are the top 6 amazing benefits that you can reap by making fish part of your staple diet. 1. High in nutrients Fish is a basic source of major nutrients that you might well be missing out from your daily diet. This includes high-end proteins, iodine, minerals, and some vital vitamins. Some fish varieties are known to be bett...